We're incredibly excited to be able to welcome you back to Concorde 2... socially distanced of course!
We have been working hard to make sure your return to live music is as safe as possible, putting in place the following measures. Please ensure you read these in full prior to making your booking and attending a show.
See you soon! C2 x

All shows will be delivered in line with all current government COVID guidelines. We kindly ask that all customers follow the government guidelines found here and rules below in order to keep yourself and others safe:
The event will be fully seated and all tables will be spaced 1 meter apart. Bookable tables for your grroup seat up to 6 people. You are not able to book a partial table. Each customer may only book one table.
By attending any socially distance event at Concorde2 you are confirming that you are adhering to all governments guidelines with regards to indoor hospitality, as well as our in-house covid guidelines.
These guidelines include that those attending must do so in groups of no more than 6.
All customers must wear a face covering on arrival and at all times when moving around the venue. Customers may only remove face coverings once seated at their designated table.
Your temperature will be taken on arrival.
Please use the hand sanitiser provided on arrival and also when leaving/returning to your table.
Concorde2 staff will be wearing PPE at all times
All touch points within the venue (doors, toilets, tables, benches) are cleaned regularly throughout the event and extensively at the end of each event
Concorde2 has an air extraction system in place to remove air from inside to outside.
We will be running a touch-free box office system, please be prepared with your booking reference.
Please have the NHS app downloaded to your phone prior to arrival.
Venue track and trace QR code will be provided on your arrival and on your table. Please check in using your NHS app
We will be operating a table service for all drinks. Orders must be made via a website and paid by card to your server. Please come prepared for this service with a WiFi enabled smart phone or tablet device and ideally a contactless payment card.
If for any reason the event has to be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, e.g the lockdown is extended, Brighton and Hove is moved into Tier 3 etc., you will receive a full refund INCLUDING any booking fees, excluding postal fees.
If you feel unwell, experience any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been asked to self isolate you must not attend the event
The venue reserves the right to refuse entry to any customer. Refusal to comply with the above rules will result in you being asked to leave the venue and a refund will not be given.
If you have any questions you can contact us anytime via our Facebook page or by email at